Structured Water
I have been drinking and showering with structured water for many years now. My experience has transformed my cellular structure. My Intuition, Guidance, Compassion, gratitude and unconditional love for self is at new levels. The ability to manifest my thoughts has sped up tremendously. drinking structured water allows the cells within my body to hold more light, Nourishing my cells properly, sparking my DNA with upgrades to be the creator I was born to be. Its no wonder that Wikipedia says that structured water is a scam! They don't want you being able to heal yourself with higher light frequencies, so they label it as untrue.
I have found that drinking structured water lets the electromagnetic energy that builds within the body push out old toxic and harmful frequencies that build throughout the decades at a much faster rate. The toxic frequencies become embedded within the dermis layers, from our environment, eating GMO foods, being exsposed to toxic chemicals, 5G networks, and drinking toxic chemicals found in tap and bottled water.
Drinking structured water is extremely important because the Schumann Resonance bands of hertz frequencies are constantly releasing the toxic frequencies that become embedded within the layers of our epidermis. This allows spirt to flow freely within the body, sparking dna upgrades. These toxic frequencies that are released as they rise through the dermis, exiting the epidermis. causing pain, discomfort and inflammation. If you build a repetitious pattern of drinking Structured water daily, you will look back and be amazed at your transformation and how your health will improve.
I am very pleased at how well structured water works for the health and vitality of my pets. I no longer have to worry about taking them to the Vet for skin issues. The hydration from the structured water keeps them in perfect health and their fur is as soft as silk. I wish I had known about the health benefits associated with structured water decades ago. I could have helped many of my pets remain healthy without costly trips to the vet. It may be convenient to give our pets bottled or tap water, but we need to protect them as we protect ourselves.
The whole home structured unit is what you want to purchase. Nothing ever needs to be added to the units, like other water devices require. no filters ever need to be changed. They are made in the USA. 10 year warranty. International shipping is available. No tax is collected on the sale , except for the state of Ohio. International shipping is available.
The units contain shunghite cylinders that create countless swirling vortexes, that restructure tap and bottled water by disengaging and canceling out harmful frequencies that become trapped in the memory of the water. Their switch has been turned of, just like a light switch. The water becomes restructured, taking only seconds.
Read all about the scientific data on structured / 4th phase water by clicking my affiliate partner link below. After reading and understanding the power of structured water, you can use my coupon codes below to get great discounts on the units pictured below.
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Structured Water Pool Unit
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Structured Water Whole Home Unit
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Cobalt Blue Portable Water Revitalizer.
Translucent Chromotherapy Dinshaw Blue. On sale! 10% off
The Portable Unit is the easiest way to structure water at home and on the go.
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Stainless Steel Structured Water Shower Unit. On Sale! 10% OFF
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HD-24 Whole Home Structured Water with Filter Solution
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