Schumann Resonance Live data

Current Schumann Resonance Live Data
The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.
In the normal mode descriptions of Schumann resonances, the fundamental mode is a standing wave in the Earth–ionosphere cavity with a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth. This lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance occurs at a frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz, but this frequency can vary slightly from a variety of factors, such as solar-induced perturbations to the ionosphere, which comprises the upper wall of the closed cavity. The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5 - 8.0 Hz intervals, a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry.
The peaks exhibit a spectral width of approximately 20% on account of the damping of the respective modes in the dissipative cavity. The eighth overtone lies at approximately 59.9 Hz. Schumann Resonance has 8 bands of frequencies:
7.83 / 14.2 / 20.03 / 25.9 / 32.0 / 38.5 / 44.5 / 59.9 Hz
The Schumann Resonance bands of Hertz frequencies assist in the release of toxic frequencies that build within the layers of the epidermis throughout the decades.
Chlorine in the water we bathe and shower in.
250 chemicals in plastic bottled water that we drink.
GMO Fake FOODS are constantly being fed to us.
All of these TOXIC frequencies that are left behind will leech into the layers of the epidermis, causing inflammation of the tissues. Resulting in multiple symptoms causing autoimmune diseases, so that you go running to their pharmacy drug salesman who get you hooked on their poison that causes multiple side affects causing more inflammation of the epidermis tissues, leaving the frequencies trapped in your epidermis tissues. This is their agenda to make us suffer
Toxic frequencies are the culprit for descending, downward to low vibrations instead of ascending upward to higher vibrations. 99% of individuals will continue to bathe, eat and drink toxic frequencies their whole lifetime, because the subconscious mind is programmed to do so. We are programmed by harmful propaganda, to not care for ourselves, when that’s all we should be doing our whole lifetime.
Structured water assists Schumann Resonance and Spirit by penetrating the cells with proper hydration, that allows higher frequency light codes to enter within the cell structures, assisting in healing your light body. It’s all anyone should be bathing in and drinking to avoid toxic frequencies that become embedded within the layers of the epidermis, throughout the decades.
Structured Water Units are the game changer. The whole home unit is what you want to bless yourself with.
Nothing ever needs to be added to the units, like other water softening devices require salt, and no filters ever need to be changed:
Easy to Understand Structured Water Video:
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