Hertz Frequency | Sacred Geometry
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, pain, health issues or simply want to tap into higher levels of vibration, sound frequency healing meditation will help you.
Sound Frequency Healing has been part of ancient knowledge from long ago. As people are starting to awaken to their higher-selves and becoming more aware of their consciousness, anxiety and trauma can surface. Many lifetimes of trauma and pain are being released right now, due to the invisible spectrum, high frequency light that pours into our atmosphere.
One way to help release and transmute these low frequencies that become embedded in the dermis is through meditation. People often find that meditation accompanied with sound frequencies, enhances the effects of beneficial healing frequencies. The ancients used these frequencies to heal and manifest desired outcomes. Sound Frequency Healing was accepted as a healing modality long ago and is here to stay.
All of my 3 minute sample meditations are available to let you choose which one you like. After your purchase I will email you the download link.
I accept all forms of payment and have included them below.
All major credit cards are accepted or you can use your social finance platforms by scanning the QR codes below. You will receive a meditation between 30 and 60 minutes for your viewing and hearing pleasure. You can also cast my meditations to your tv for the ultimate experience.
The cost for my meditations are $33.33
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