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Tampa Bay Non-Surgical 
Body Restoration

The World’s Most Powerful Bodywork!

How Tampa Bay Nonsurgical Body Restoration Works:

➢ Deep Tissue Penetration: This technique involves penetrating the deeper layers of tissue and muscle to address issues such as internal scar tissue, calcification, and crystallization.

➢ Specialized Therapy Technique: The specialized therapy technique allows practitioners to pull muscle fibers apart, restoring the flow of blood, lymph, and life force to tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints, and organs.

➢ Restoration of Natural Function: By breaking down hardened internal scar tissue and improving circulation, Tampa Bay Nonsurgical Body Work helps restore the natural function of muscles, joints, and organs.

➢ Immediate Results: 70-80% of clients experience immediate relief from pain and improved mobility after just one session. ​You will have a WOW moment after ONE session to the inflammed/painful area on your body.

➢ Holistic Approach: This therapy takes a holistic approach to healing, addressing not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of pain and inflammation.

Benefits of Tampa Bay Nonsurgical Body Work:

➢ Pain Relief: This technique is highly effective in eliminating pain related to muscles, joints, and nerves by addressing the root causes such as internal scar tissue, crystallization, and calcification.

➢ Improved Circulation: It enhances blood flow and circulation, which helps in reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

➢ Restores Muscle and Skin Tone: By breaking down scar tissue and improving circulation, it helps restore natural muscle tone and skin appearance, making you look and feel younger.

➢ Increased Mobility: Tampa Bay Non-Surgical Body Work can significantly improve joint function and range of motion, making it easier to move and perform daily activities.

➢ Hormonal Balance: This therapy can improve the flow of hormones, which can have a positive impact on overall health and well-being.

➢ Digestive Health: It can improve the digestive system by addressing issues related to internal scar tissue and inflammation.

➢ Non-Invasive: Unlike surgical procedures, Tampa Bay Nonsurgical Body Work is non-invasive and does not require any downtime.


This is the only energy device that creates an electromagnetic shockwave with an internal magnet, that then pulses into the body.  All natural and in harmony with nature. Similar devices create a manmade shockwave from an electric current within the unit that is not nearly as powerful, taking upwards of 10 or more sessions to make a dent in the issue you are struggling with. We travel international and treat groups of people at their homes, clinics, retreats and communities. Group discounts enable everyone to experience the power of the Regen Medical Cellsonic.

Please email us at for pricing menu


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Current Schumann Resonance Live Data


The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere.

In the normal mode descriptions of Schumann resonances, the fundamental mode is a standing wave in the Earth–ionosphere cavity with a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth. This lowest-frequency (and highest-intensity) mode of the Schumann resonance occurs at a frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz, but this frequency can vary slightly from a variety of factors, such as solar-induced perturbations to the ionosphere, which comprises the upper wall of the closed cavity. The higher resonance modes are spaced at approximately 6.5 - 8.0 Hz intervals, a characteristic attributed to the atmosphere's spherical geometry.

The peaks exhibit a spectral width of approximately 20% on account of the damping of the respective modes in the dissipative cavity. The eighth overtone lies at approximately 59.9 Hz. Schumann Resonance has 8 bands of frequencies:

 7.83 / 14.2 / 20.03 / 25.9 / 32.0 / 38.5 / 44.5  / 59.9  Hz

The Schumann Resonance bands of Hertz frequencies assist in the release of toxic frequencies that build within the layers of the epidermis throughout the decades.

Chlorine in the water we bathe and shower in.

250 chemicals in plastic bottled water that we drink.

GMO Fake FOODS are constantly being fed to us.

All of these TOXIC frequencies that are left behind will leech into the layers of the epidermis, causing inflammation of the tissues. Resulting in multiple symptoms causing autoimmune diseases, so that you go running to their pharmacy drug salesman who get you hooked on their poison that causes multiple side effects causing more inflammation of the epidermis tissues, leaving the frequencies trapped in your epidermis tissues. This is their agenda to make us suffer

Toxic frequencies are the culprit for descending, downward to low vibrations instead of ascending upward to higher vibrations. 99% of individuals will continue to bathe, eat and drink toxic frequencies their whole lifetime, because the subconscious mind is programmed to do so. We are programmed by harmful propaganda, to not care for ourselves, when that’s all we should be doing our whole lifetime.

Structured water assists Schumann Resonance and Spirit by penetrating the cells with proper hydration, that allows higher frequency light codes to enter within the cell structures, assisting in healing your light body. It’s all anyone should be bathing in and drinking to avoid toxic frequencies that become embedded within the layers of the epidermis, throughout the decades.

Structured Water Units are the game changer. The whole home unit is what you want to bless yourself with.

Nothing ever needs to be added to the units, like other water softening devices require salt, and no filters ever need to be changed:

Easy to Understand Structured Water Video:

My Schumann Resonance Page on facebook


My Schumann Resonance group on facebook



If  you are struggling with anxiety, depression, pain, health issues or simply want to tap into higher levels of vibration, sound frequency healing meditation will help you.

Sound Frequency Healing has been part of ancient knowledge from long ago. As people are starting to awaken to their higher-selves and becoming more aware of their consciousness, anxiety and trauma can surface. Many lifetimes of trauma and pain are being released right now, due to the invisible  spectrum, high frequency light that pours into our atmosphere.

One way to help release and transmute these low frequencies that become embedded in the dermis is through meditation. People often find that meditation accompanied with sound frequencies, enhances the effects of beneficial healing frequencies. The ancients used these frequencies to heal and manifest desired outcomes. Sound Frequency Healing was accepted as a healing modality long ago and is here to stay.

All of my 3 minute sample meditations are available to let you choose which one you like. After your purchase I will email you the download link.

I accept all forms of payment and have included them below.

All major credit cards are accepted or you can use your social finance platforms by scanning the QR codes below.  You will receive a meditation between 30 and 60 minutes for your viewing and hearing pleasure. You can also cast my meditations to your tv for the ultimate experience. 

The cost for my meditations are  $33.33

Payment Link:


I have been drinking and showering with structured water for many years now. My experience has transformed my cellular structure. My Intuition, Guidance, Compassion, gratitude and unconditional love for self is at new levels. The ability to manifest my thoughts has sped up tremendously. drinking structured water allows the cells within my body to hold more light, Nourishing my cells properly, sparking my DNA with upgrades to be the creator I was born to be. Its no wonder that Wikipedia says that structured water is a scam! They don't want you being able to heal yourself with higher light frequencies, so they label it as untrue. 


I have found that drinking structured water lets the electromagnetic energy that builds within the body push out old toxic and harmful frequencies that build throughout the decades at a much faster rate. The toxic frequencies become embedded within the dermis layers, from our environment, eating GMO foods, being exsposed to toxic chemicals, 5G networks, and drinking toxic chemicals found in tap and bottled water. 


Drinking structured water is extremely important because the Schumann Resonance bands of hertz frequencies are constantly releasing the toxic frequencies that become embedded within the layers of our epidermis. This allows spirt to flow freely within the body, sparking dna upgrades. These toxic frequencies that are released as they rise through the dermis, exiting the epidermis. causing pain, discomfort and inflammation. If you build a repetitious pattern of drinking Structured water daily, you will look back and be amazed at your transformation and how your health will improve. 

I am very pleased at how well structured water works for the health and vitality of my pets. I no longer have to worry about taking them to the Vet for skin issues. The hydration from the structured water keeps them in perfect health and their fur is as soft as silk. I wish I had known about the health benefits associated with structured water decades ago. I could have helped many of my pets remain healthy without costly trips to the vet. It may be convenient to give our pets bottled or tap water, but we need to protect them as we protect ourselves.

The whole home structured unit is what you want to purchase. Nothing ever needs to be added to the units, like other water devices require. no filters ever need to be changed. They are made in the USA. 10 year warranty. International shipping is available. No tax is collected on the sale , except for the state of Ohio. 

The units contain shunghite cylinders that create countless swirling vortexes, that restructure tap and bottled water by disengaging and canceling out harmful frequencies that become trapped in the memory of the water. Their switch has been turned of, just like a light switch. The water becomes restructured, taking only seconds.


Read all about the scientific data on structured / 4th phase water by clicking my affiliate partner link below. After reading and understanding the power of structured water, you can use my coupon codes below to get great discounts on the units pictured below.

You can bundle two or more items and receive a 20% discount at checkout.

Enter code: healthbyben-20 


Purchase one single item and receive 10% discount at checkout.

Enter code: healthbyben-10 

Free account signup with purchase:

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Personal Training

LOCAL Communities

Apollo Beach / Ruskin / Sun City Center

  • One to one Personal Training


$40.00 30 minute Strength training

$55.00 30 minute training with 15 minutes of cardio

  • Couples Personal Training


$70.00 Strength training and Cardio. allow up to one hour 

  • Cardio Coaching


H.I.I.T Cardio

Melt Away Fat


20 min sessions. Must do 3-4 a week


  • Personal training zoom sessions

30 minutes session $49.00

All credit cards are accepted

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Massage Therapy


















We use a heated massage table with 3 inch memory foam, adjustable headrest and comfortable bolsters. 100% cotton sheets. Jojoba massage oil. Beautiful spa music. essential oils.

references available upon request. 10% Discounts are available with a prepaid series of 6 therapeutic massage or clapping sessions. You can travel to us or we can come to your location. 


⭐️One hour Swedish Massage 

⭐️One hour Combination Massage 

⭐️One hour Deep Tissue Massage 

⭐️One hour Reflexology massage 

⭐️One hour Non Surgical Clapping Session


Clapping the joints and lymphatic areas of the body helps to make you feel amazing with increased circulation and blood flow. This is a great cellulite treatment. Great for joint inflammation. Migraines and Stiffness. ​

Please email to request a price Menu



I create Sacred geometry art and Sacred Geometry movie meditations that combine hertz healing sound frequencies. They are relaxing and mood enhancing, and they make wonderful device screen Wallpapers. Every time you look at your phones lock screen you will smile from the energy you receive from the energy. I love working in the fields 0f 432, 528, 852, 963 and 1111 Hertz when I create sacred geometry.


My Price is $33.33 for one Sacred Geometry art piece, or you can do a package of 3 pieces for $55.55. Every purchase will include my 30-minute 852 Hertz frequency meditation for FREE. 

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Fuscia Burst.png
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Square Credit Card Purchase


Ben Ellis has been in the health and wellness industry for over 30 years.
Owning a very successful wellness spa in palm springs, California before moving to Florida. 

He is certified as a bodywork practitioner through BHN University

and professionally trained by Dr. Sage Wolfe and Dr. Darrell Wolfe,
also known as the "Doc of Detox,". Dr. Darrell Wolfe is an international health practitioner and founder of The Wolfe Clinic. He
holds multiple doctorates in Natural Medicine, Indigenous Medicine, and Humanitarian Services. With over 45 years of
experience in Advanced Energy Medicine Therapy and Psychology, Dr. Wolfe has developed a holistic approach to healing that
focuses on whole-body wellness. 

Certified in Massage Therapy and Deep Tissue Bodywork
Certified in Personal Training for over 20 years

founder and admin of the facebook page  schumann resonance
founder and admin of the facebook  group  #schumannresonance

 ~ The Greatest Gift of All Is Knowing That You Exist..........

Tampa Bay Non Surgical
Schumann Resonance
Meditation Club
Structured Water
Personal Training
Massage Therapy
Sacred Geometry
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